Meet the Artist and Representative

Trevor Jones - Artist

Artist Statement

My journey as an artist began in 2013 when I was introduced to tattoos. I’m currently serving a prison sentence that I started at 19, and my rehabilitation has brought out the artistic talent that I may never have discovered. The arts have introduced me to language, religion, education, and trade skills, which are all intertwined. Studio Behind The Fence promotes my art to display and share my creations outside prison walls. My art has been shown in local juried and online art shows and published in art magazines and competitions. Alcatraz East Crime Museum in Pigeon Forge, TN, acquired “The Crossing” from an exhibit by the Prison Arts Touching Hearts organization.

Helen Boydston - Artist Representative

Artist Representative

Trevor Jones, the artist for Studio Behind The Fence, is my son. At the age of 19, Trevor made a decision that resulted in his incarceration and loss of freedom in 2011. Serving his time has been a difficult journey, one that most parents would have preferred their children had taken a different path. Fortunately, Trevor is looking forward to his release in a couple of years.  

While Trevor has no formal art training background, his ability to draw portraits, animals, and his own original creations, demonstrates a unique inherent, natural talent that is to be promoted in the art world. Hence, in 2016, in a collaborative effort as mother and son, I started Studio Behind The Fence (a licensed business in the State of Washington), specifically built to promote the sales of art created by Trevor Jones for his future professional life upon completing his incarceration.