Featured Publications & Shows

Edmonds ARTS Festival
June 16 - 18, 2023

Work Boots was invited to the Edmonds ARTS Festival, one of the prestigious art shows in the Pacific Northwest,
attracting artists from across the nation and Canada.

Work Boots

One Image, Two Shows, Two Awards

Fish Friday

Kingdom Animalia - 2022 Exhibition

Memory of Larry was accepted into the Kingdom Animalia - 2022 Exhibition, organized by Exhibizone and powered by @Biafarin platform. Below is the link to the exhibition, enjoy the show!

Trevor Jones’s artwork named 'Memory of Larry' is now being showcased at Kingdom Animalia - 2022 exhibition, organized by Exhibizone and powered by @Biafarin platform.

Edmonds ARTS Festival
June 17-19, 2022

The Basset Hound Puppy was invited to the Edmonds ARTS Festival one of the prestigious art shows in the Pacific Northwest, attracting artists from across the nation and Canada.


May 2022

Basset Hound Puppy has been published in Artistonish - May 2022 magazine via @Biafarin portal.


Prison Arts Touching Hearts (P.A.T.H.)

P.A.T.H. was founded in 2015 and was designed to provide a platform for a much-needed voice and validation to incarcerated artists - those in the shadows and largely hidden from the public eye, while providing them with a vehicle to give back to the community in a meaningful and powerful way – through their art! Featured Artists are Keith A. Harward, Mark Anthony Stanley-Bey (aka Stan-Bey), and Trevor S Jones.



Red Bluff ART Gallery

Room 1 - Open Space
Christmas Squid

Show Dates: April 14th - July 14th 2022


Red Bluff ART Gallery

Room 1 - Open Space
Work Boots

Show Dates: April 14th - July 14th 2022

Work Boots

Work Boots

The electrician’s work boots that have completed another day’s work.

Acceptance Letter:

“Thank you for submitting to Artistonish - October 2021. After an in-depth review and evaluation of brilliant submitted artworks for October issue of Artistonish magazine, the selection process of this opportunity has been completed.


We are proud to inform you that your art has been selected for getting published in Artistonish contemporary art magazine, October 2021

Artistonish: October 2021 - Issue
Discover the Artist Page 34

The Boxer

A commissioned drawing for an inmate with the possibility of his dog passing before his release. Trevor Jones artist captured his beloved dog's image so she will be with him forever.

Cats and Dogs Exhibit -
December 10, 2021 - March 2022